Eid al Adha will be celebrated on Sunday, August 11, 2019.

The first service will start at 7:00 AM with takbirat and the prayer will be promptly at 7:30 AM.

The second service will begin at 9:00AM with takbirat and the prayers will begin promptly at 9:30 AM.

For both services, following the prayer, our Imam will give a short Khutbah. Imam Ismaeel will be giving both Khutbah and Shaykh Abdallah will be leading both prayers.

Donuts will be served after both services in the Lower Level Hall.

This joyous occasion falls on a Sunday so there will be NO PARKING at any of the churches in Clifton.

Please make sure you do not block driveways, entrances or exits of homes, parking lots and businesses when parking on the streets in Clifton.

Youm Al Arafat will be Saturday the 10th.

May Allah bless our community on these blessed days. May Allah free our Umma from the oppression and allow tranquility to enter our hearts. May Allah accept the pilgrimage of every faithful soul who intends to achieve His pleasure. May Allah forgive us all and grant us all paradise.

For Udhiyah, we kindly ask for community members to make donations to Islamic Relief at the links below.

JazakAllahu khairan